KRS QUICK TECH TIP: Someone’s Goin’ Fishing Out There🤔…and It’s For Easy Targets LIKE YOU!!🫵🤯🤯🤯

KRS QUICK TECH TIP: Someone’s Goin’ Fishing Out There🤔…and It’s For Easy Targets LIKE YOU!!🫵🤯🤯🤯

Hey everyone, Chris Gaffney back for another weekly tech tip for KRS IT.

This week we're going to talk about something that's obviously not new, but it's happening more and more frequent. It's phishing scams and how to avoid them.

OK, so when it comes to phishing scams, it's getting more and more frequent, like I said. And that's really what the hackers are counting on, right? It's just a numbers game. So they're going to send out a certain amount of them, somebody’s going to click on it. It's going to work. It's just a numbers game. So quick clicking is your worst enemy! You get a text message, you get an e-mail, or something like that. They're getting more clever with them. And obviously there's links in there, and people are just clicking on them. When that happens, firewalls could be installed, and a lot of bad things can happen from that point.

This normally happens because we're not paying attention. To be completely honest, I've done it myself. I remember I ordered something for my daughter. I kept waiting for it to ship and it didn't ship, and I was kind of like, trying to figure out what's going on with it. I got a text message saying it was from the United States Postal Service, and we need to verify your address, click here. And I figured it was perfect timing. I figured, “that's why it hasn't shipped.” So as soon as I clicked the link, I realized what I'd done. So it really happens that easy. Just be careful. Do your work, training exercises, just try to, you know, educate yourselves on all this stuff that's going on.

And that's really it! And also do your updates too, right. Because on our phones there's updates, and companies are always realizing that hackers are getting through in different ways. And they're constantly doing updates, to ensure that we're protected. So, I know a lot of people don't like to do the updates. It's kind of a pain in the butt, but just do them because they're actually closing a lot of security doors when they do that, all right?

And if you guys had any other follow up questions, feel free to always reach out to us at: Happy to chat with you guys. Have a good week! Talk to you next week! Peace!

Hey guys Kari here from KRS IT! Want to thank you so much for tuning into our Weekly Tech Tip.

Also, as a reminder, if you're in dire need of a vacation, what better time than now than to take on the offer we have available to you guys. It's a referral program, where you get a one out of five chances to win an all-paid vacation. Whaaaaattt?!?!

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I don't know about you, but that sounds AMAZING and quite easy. So if you have any more questions, if you want to get further detail on this offer, check out the link below ( And feel free to reach out to us at any point in time. All right everybody. Good luck, good hunting and have a great one.