The Need-To-Know on the Insurance Industry and CyberSecurity in 2022

The Need-To-Know on the Insurance Industry and CyberSecurity in 2022


According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the quantity released to the public data breaches has already surpassed that of 2020, establishing this year as the year of record hacks. As a result of high-profile breaches such as the SolarWinds hack, the Colonial Pipeline outage, and the CNA Financial ransomware attack, risk and compliance are more vital than ever.

Ransomware and supply chain assaults are becoming more prevalent, and firms must protect themselves by implementing rigorous risk and resilience policies. There are no more excuses now that the consequences have been elevated. There are no retakes or restarts in this game. Businesses must have a comprehensive strategy and be engaged in all business choices to be resilient.

As attacks become more widespread, more severe underwriting methods are assisting in the maturation of the cyber insurance business. As a result, insurance firms demand that companies make increased efforts to decrease risk. Large-scale cyber attacks were widespread in 2021 due to poor cyber hygiene, which rendered certain users "uninsurable," interrupted services, and resulted in significant losses. Companies should anticipate a higher level of responsibility in risk reduction in 2022 as underwriters better understand the types of risk controls used in cyber programs.

To get cyber insurance coverage, organizations must demonstrate to their insurer that they have adequate cyber processes and policies in place. Businesses are now expected to implement multi-factor authentication in their information technology systems, an updated patch management program, air-gapped backups with encrypted data, and staff awareness training and phishing simulations, as provided by cyber insurance underwriters.

Compared to the industry average of 44%, insurance businesses allocate between 5% and 10% of their IT budgets to cybersecurity. In 2022, organizations will focus equally on risk management and compliance as on customer service and employee well-being.

Also, consider these key points for 2022:

It is far past time for a significant overhaul of the insurance business.

  • Cyberattacks and data breaches are becoming increasingly prevalent in businesses.
  • This means that the insurance sector has an incredible chance to provide a new type of coverage for firms who are now uninsured against these types of assaults or scenarios.
  • Businesses are increasingly concerned about cyber security as data breaches become more prevalent, and insurance companies have learned that they cannot afford to be among the first to be victimized by a cyber assault.
  • Small companies can obtain cyber liability insurance to protect themselves from the hefty expenses connected with data breaches and malicious software assaults.
  • If a business handles sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, medical records, social security/license driver's numbers, or personal client information, this insurance is virtually mandatory.
  • The insurance may cover any losses incurred due to cyber-attacks and breaches.
  • It is advisable to have this type of insurance in place to assist in covering the costs of credit monitoring, legal fees, fines, and any other charges.

Should you have any further questions or in need of any further details on how to be sure you are in the proper path of securing your business, and taking the proper precautions, please feel free to reach out to us here at KRS IT. You can speak to a live tech assistanct via phone at, 201-402-1900 or 201-890-5704. We can also be reached at .