The KRS IT Consulting Guide
To IT Support Services And Fees
What You Should Expect To Pay For IT Support For Your Business (And How To Get Exactly What You Need Without Unnecessary
Extras, Hidden Fees
And Bloated Contracts)
Read This Guide and You’ll Discover:
Read This Guide and You’ll Discover:
- The 3 most common ways IT services companies charge for their services, and the pros and cons of each approach.
- A common billing model that puts ALL THE RISK on you, the customer, when buying IT services; you’ll learn what it is and why you need to avoid agreeing to it.
- Exclusions, hidden fees and other “gotcha” clauses IT companies put in their contracts that you DON’T want to agree to.
- How to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting to avoid disappointment, frustration and added costs later on that you didn’t anticipate.
- 21 revealing questions to ask your IT support firm BEFORE giving them access to your computer network, e-mail and data.
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We have only been with KRS IT Consulting for 1 month and our down time has disappeared! Their review of our infrastructure identified numerous deficiencies which they addressed immediately.
They are on top of issues before we even realize there is one!
They are on top of issues before we even realize there is one!
Laura Romanelli
Accounts Receivable at NFC Amenity Management
Asbury Park, NJ