Hey! What's up, everybody! Kari from KRS IT here. Has your workplace Wi-Fi been acting slower than a turtle in molasses lately? Well, no worries! Because KRS IT has 3 game changing tips for you guys. And that'll get you up and running and supercharged in no time!
Okay, guys, so Tip Number 1,… location, location, LOCATION. Think of your router, as pretty much, your real estate. You need to make sure that it is in the center of your workplace. That's right. Center of your workplace.
Number 2, make sure there's no obstructions, no metal objects nearby it or thick walls.
And Number 3, to most importantly realize it is like your lighthouse, your beacon. It needs to have access to all your devices where you can have a nice signal. A seamless one, so where you're having no conflicts whatsoever.
Tip number 2, well...You’re gonna have to stay tuned next week, guys, and we'll gladly get you that information. Alright, stay safe, have a great one. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at: info@krsit.com, and check out our link below: www.KRSITConsulting.com
Alright, Stay safe.