Hey! What's up, guys? Thanks for coming back and joining me here at KRS IT. I wanted to refresh or recap actually, about what we were talking about 2 weeks ago, with 3 easy tips on how you can perfect, or make better your Wi-Fi performance in the office.
So the 1st week, we were talking about location of your router… Location, location is key.
2, making sure you switch out of the, a less congested channel for your Wi-Fi. It's very important. Remember, you don't wanna treat it like a highway, where we're all using the same particular channel.
So this week, tip number 3 for you is… Upgrade! Yep, make sure your equipment is as up to date as possible! That means you need to do your firmware updates. Make sure you're on top of that. Replace your old equipment, and if you have a larger space office, consider a mesh network then.
And if you need help in putting this all into place,… Hey! Give us a call!! 201.402.1900 We're just a phone call away. Or better yet, if it's easier for you, give us an email: info@krsit.com Alright! We're your superheroes! We got you! Take it easy, guys!! Peace!!