Hey guys! Hope you all had a phenomenal week! We couldn't have the weekend start without being sure we kept you informed on some helpful tips and info. I mean it's our job to keep you guys in the loop of things, especially in the Information Technology world.
Have you ever wondered or had that weird feeling that you're being watched?! Well maybe not in the "weird stalker by the window" sort of sense, but we mean through some of your devices. You may have heard of some stories, but yes it's true! Some devices are very easily hacked for some of these hackers! Tune in here with our VP of Sales and Marketing, Chris Gaffney, as he will discuss how this may be possible.
Creepy, we know! But what can we say. Just goes to show you have to be aware of our surroundings and what we all put out there. This holds true for everyday, especially today!
Happy Friday the 13th Everyone! ::evil laugh::