KRS QUICK TECH TIP: 🌟Supercharge Your Workplace WiFi!🚀

January 16th, 2025

Hey! What's up, everybody! Kari from KRS IT here. Has your workplace Wi-Fi been acting slower than a turtle in molasses lately? Well, no worries! Because KRS IT has 3 game changing tips for you guys. And that'll get you up and running and supercharged in no time!

Okay, guys, so Tip Number 1,… location, location, LOCATION. Think of your router, as pretty much, your real estate.

KRS QUICK TECH TIP: 👉ANTIVIRUS👈…Is It Today’s Friend or FOE?! 🤔😕

Hey, everybody! Chris Gaffney back for another quick weekly tech tip video for KRS IT. This week. I have a question for you guys. I want to know what companies are still using Antivirus? That's what we're gonna talk about.

Okay, so as we do more and more network assessments, as we're going through prospects, and we're trying to see who's a good fit for our company and who we can work with, we're noticing that companies, regardless of the size, some are small, some are larger, are still using antivirus! If that's your main source of security in 2024, you guys are in big trouble, ok.