Hey everybody, Chris Gaffney back for another weekly tech tube video for KRS IT. This week I just wanted to let, basically all of our clients know especially, and even prospects that we're talking to, is that a new thing that KRS IT has picked up, is we're now doing phones. …Not cell phones. VoIP phones. Stay tuned.
Yeah. So being in IT, we wanted to kind of get into phones for a while, but one thing we never want to do is be too quick to the market and not testing thoroughly. So for the last year or so, we've been testing something out. Now we're fully confident in that it works and that it's flawless. So we're going to start rolling it out to our customers. The benefit of it is, obviously where your IT supporter and then you kind of have your phone company, and a lot of these phone companies are huge. It's hard to get in touch with somebody on the phone. Customer service is kind of lacking. So it might be nice to sweep that all under one roof. That's why we've been doing this.
So if you guys want to see if we can get you better pricing, I'm pretty sure we probably could. For most people that we specced out so far, customers are seeing savings anywhere from all the way up to 10% to 20%. And the benefit of it again, is instead of dealing with them for customer service, they're now dealing directly with the KRS IT team that they already know.
So it's a win, win. It's kind of an awesome thing. We're really proud of it. So if you guys are interested, send an e-mail to my e-mail: Chris@KRSit.com, and just say: “Phones”. And I'll reach out and we can go over it. All we need is a copy of your latest bill. We could see and create a quote, and see how we can compete and if it'll be better for you guys. We'll be happy to switch you over, alright, So anyone that's not a client of ours, that's still interested in phones, get in touch again. We can look at it for anyone, and happy to do this for you guys.
So that's basically it for this week. It's all about phones. If you guys have questions, like I said, get in touch with me. You can e-mail me or you can even e-mail the info: info@krsit.com. Hope everyone has an awesome week, and talk to you guys next week. Take care. Bye!
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